Peace in Chaos
Apr 19, 2023
In the midst of chaos....peace like a river.
This is an unexpected gift. I love this little slice of heaven. I have for years. We head to Lane’s home every summer for a week on the river with family. It was part of the deal when we moved to Georgia six months after we married.
Lane grew up on the Potomac near our Nations capital. His parents had one request when we moved, “You don’t have to come back for holidays but please promise us you will come back every year for a week in the summer.” We made and have kept that promise.
Our plans to come over the 4th are still in tact but a call from his sister last Wednesday had us driving this familiar drive early Thursday morning. My mom in law has cancer. We are trying to navigate decisions when all the choices leave us feeling as if we have none, at least none that anyone would want. We know the drill unfortunately. Lane’s dad died of cancer just 4 short years ago. Cancer is a beast. It wreaks havoc from the inside out. And, if your not very careful, the beast can reach into the whole family causing chaos fueled by pain. I’m so grateful that each of us, Lane and myself, Dana and Rick, give space and freedom to one another to process and ponder, feel and express as individuals. The freedom to be who we are and where we are is what allows us to choose to walk forward together in the brokenness. So much respect for one another. So few expectations.
This quiet place of solitude, the river, helps me remember God has a design for His creation. We, those made in His image, are His creation. Peace is a part of the plan. The harmony of differences is what constitutes the peace.
As I sit here I listen to the symphony of voices in the variety of birds. Harmony. The background of texture and color in the foliage and the flowers adds depth and interest. Harmony. Even the lapping of the water with the perfectly timed splash of an eagle or and osprey diving for his daily bread ( or fish) is rhythmic and adds to the background sounds like a chorus. Harmony.
While our world spins because of cancer rearing it’s ugly head the world seems to spin with a cancer of its own. There is just so much pain. Pain spreading from the inside out. God sees it all. He has already poured out His spirit and made His peace available. It is a fruit of His spirit. Peace IS available to us. Harmony will be its proof.
So, while I pray this morning in the midst of this symphony by the river, I ask for peace in the midst of pain for both my family and for my nation. The harmony of Heaven awaits us. We aren’t home yet. Lord let their be peace like a river on earth as it is in Heaven. Pour out your Spirit and bring harmony to us, your most beloved creation.we need you.
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly.
Never be wise in your own sight. Romans 12:16
Parents, you CAN shape the future of your family.
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