Cultivate Legacy
A Blog Inspiring Parents to Overcome Distractions, Confusion, and Fear for Purpose-Driven Parenting and Discipleship
Well, the day came. And it went. And we survived.Â
… In fact, I might even go so far as to say we thrived.Â
Move-in day at TCU with our oldest daughter, Ansley, was a full day – to say the le...
In the midst of chaos....peace like a river.
This is an unexpected gift. I love this little slice of heaven. I have for years. We head to Lane’s home every summer for a week on the river with family....
The unexpected gift. Who knew? We had purposefully planned a long weekend together in Miami over Easter knowing that, for the first time ever, we would not be together this summer. No vacation. No fam...
The Spirit of Pride Sets Up a Fall
'Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.' Proverbs 16:18
Out of the multitude of concerns we are experiencing as a nation perhaps none are m...
Rhythm Defined: Duly regulated by cadences. A strong, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
Whether a self proclaimed free spirit or a champion of home and family logistics we all move with a ce...
I remember hearing once, “When you give birth to your sweet baby and place them in the crib you should also place a suitcase next to the crib as a reminder that one day they will be leaving.” Our babi...
If I were to be totally honest with myself, I would say that the word deliberate usually causes me to consider a need for intentional planning or scheduling of some sort. Somehow that word causes me t...
Heart is full. Did you see the label? “Thank y’all for letting us crash the wedding. Nolan, Ramann, John and Ashton”.
Back story: 2 weeks before before Ansley’s wedding and after injuring my knee I...
This was the view from my hotel room in Nashville yesterday. I opened my eyes and the lyrics to 10,000 Reasons came to mind immediately:
The sun comes up
It's a new day dawning
It's time to sing ...
The phone rang last week. A friend reached out, asking me if I would talk to her friend whose daughter was struggling at school. I told her I would be happy to do so and got a call later that day. The...
Well the day came
and it went
and we survived.
In fact, I might even go so far as to say we thrived. Move in day at TCU with our oldest daughter Ansley was a FULL day to say the least. WOW! It w...
100 years
36,500 days
876,000 hours
52,560,000 minutes
3.6 BILLION Heartbeats
Â’s a funny thing isn’t it? Our greatest asset yet often held so loosely that it slips away without though...