Prepared for Life | Passing the Torch of Personal Responsibility
Jan 23, 2022
I remember hearing once, “When you give birth to your sweet baby and place them in the crib you should also place a suitcase next to the crib as a reminder that one day they will be leaving.” Our babies are not ours to have and to hold but to raise and release. This statement begs the question, what tools are you packing in their suitcase to prepare them to go?
I have a friend who placed 936 marbles in a jar when their baby was born, one for each week until their child turned 18. Every weekend one marble would be removed reminding them to be intentional with the time they had been given. Parents, how many marbles are still in your jar? And, what tools are you packing with the time you have been given?
When our children are born, they are 100% dependent on us. It is our job, as parents, to train them up, raising adults not children, and to pass the torch of responsibility for their own life to them. How in the world do we do this? Well, the goal is to gradually pass on faith, values, tasks, skills and consequences allowing your children to pick up the torch of life and run their race!
As we raised three children there were several tools that we wanted to ensure they had securely packed away in their bag for their journey through life. The following is a list of things we considered as we planned ahead for their future. Consider the following as you ponder the tools you want to pack for your child:
- Core Needs – Does your child understand that security, identity, belonging, purpose and competency are found in God alone? Do they know these are God given needs?
- Values – What does your family value and how are these values demonstrated within your family?
- A relationship with Jesus – What does discipleship look like in your family?
- Strong family connections – How do you build strong healthy relationships within your family and its members? How do you work to heal from hurts?
Parents, you CAN shape the future of your family.
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