Rhythm Defined
Mar 08, 2023
Rhythm Defined: Duly regulated by cadences. A strong, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
Whether a self proclaimed free spirit or a champion of home and family logistics we all move with a certain rhythm. Some of us are certainly more aware and intentional about the rhythms of our life than others but, rhythms are present and operating nonetheless. We are all walking through unprecedented times together and no matter the personal patterns there is a certain amount of, well, should we say disruption happening! What have your days and weeks been filled with lately? How are you spending your time?
For those of you who lean toward quietness and alone time, the constant of movement, people, and sound may have you a little rattled. Those who are energized by being with people may be finding a new need for quiet. Maybe you have been in a season of loneliness and are enjoying the new found fellowship! One thing is for sure, we have all been thrown out of a rhythm or two in the season of change. We are living through historic days, ones we will never forget.
Our life is formed by the patterns we repeat, in other words, we become what we repeat! Patterns of thinking, eating, movement (or lack thereof), activities, relationships and even speaking, take root and grow, forming a lifestyle with particular outcomes. Those patterns become the cadence of our lives. My friend, Kimberly, often says she wants to keep cadence with the King. Jesus, the one whose image we were created in and are being formed into, demonstrated a cadence of life. When we look at scripture we can see several patterns of choice. He kept a cadence between solitude and fellowship, both critical to His relationship with His Father and His followers and therefore His ministry. It’s interesting as you consider the definition of rhythm and how it revolves around movement and sound. Jesus seemed to move back and forth between hearing the sound of His Father's voice and speaking into His disciples and followers. It is so important that we find a balance between solitude and fellowship, especially in the days ahead.
Many of our children will not remember the details on the pandemic of 2020, but they will remember what their days were filled with and how they felt while living through them. What opportunities have we been given for these unexpected hours at home with our children? Are we demonstrating the life of Jesus, by first choosing a rhythm between solitude and fellowship and then, are we establishing that pattern for our family? The balance of the two will teach our children we, as parents, are neither fully responsible for their happiness and entertainment, nor should we neglect their God given need for belonging and community. May these days be filled with choice and intentionality which turn ordinary moments into memories.
Parents, you CAN shape the future of your family.
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