The Unexpected Gift
Apr 05, 2023
The unexpected gift. Who knew? We had purposefully planned a long weekend together in Miami over Easter knowing that, for the first time ever, we would not be together this summer. No vacation. No family trip to Va. for the first time since we moved here in 1993. No cookouts together in the backyard. Sure, some of us will cross paths, but not all together. So we planned and made a way to meet for Easter.
Easter in Miami won’t happen this year. No more plans.
And, we didn’t plan this. Lilly’s stuck at home, Ward being sent home and Ansley and Will passing through trying to get home. Home, that’s where we got to be together. A virus brought us together? Look for the treasures!
About a year ago I was wrestling through something very difficult. It felt like an epidemic in my soul. It was external but it reached many parts of my being. I studied 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Never stop praying. Be thankful IN ALL circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. In ALL. Not before all or after all, but IN all. Not when you see the storm clouds in the distance or after they have passed but IN the storm. I was challenged, very challenged.
So, in the unexpected together, after dinner and funny videos and before the news and games we prayed together and we gave thanks. The 6 of us, alone but together, worshiped and prayed in the quiet of the evening. We acknowledged God’s sovereignty and offered confession over those things we have put before Him. We lifted up the leaders of our nation and of the world, of families and organizations. We asked for healing for those who are suffering and asked for protection. We gave thanks IN the unknown and uncertainty. It was special and I was reminded that God had prepared my heart for unexpected hard through the unexpected hard. He is faithful. #todaystreasure
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