Cultivate Legacy

A Blog Inspiring Parents to Overcome Distractions, Confusion, and Fear for Purpose-Driven Parenting and Discipleship

Peace with a Stomachache faith family life lessons motherhood parenting Aug 14, 2024

Well, the day came. And it went. And we survived. 

… In fact, I might even go so far as to say we thrived. 

Move-in day at TCU with our oldest daughter, Ansley, was a full...

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The Unexpected Gift family Apr 05, 2023

The unexpected gift. Who knew? We had purposefully planned a long weekend together in Miami over Easter knowing that, for the first time ever, we would not be together this summer. No vacation. No...

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Rhythm Defined family hardship life lessons Mar 08, 2023

Rhythm Defined: Duly regulated by cadences. A strong, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

Whether a self proclaimed free spirit or a champion of home and family logistics we all move with a...

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Prepared for Life | Passing the Torch of Personal Responsibility family life lessons Jan 23, 2022

I remember hearing once, “When you give birth to your sweet baby and place them in the crib you should also place a suitcase next to the crib as a reminder that one day they will be...

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Disciple | to teach, to train, to bring up discipleship family Dec 08, 2021

If I were to be totally honest with myself, I would say that the word deliberate usually causes me to consider a need for intentional planning or scheduling of some sort. Somehow that word causes...

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Peace with a Stomachache family life lessons Aug 18, 2021

Well the day came

and it went

and we survived.


In fact, I might even go so far as to say we thrived. Move in day at TCU with our oldest daughter Ansley was a FULL day to say the least. WOW!...

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Not Yet... discipleship family parenting Jan 13, 2021

Not Yet...

The time is coming quickly, in fact, at this point, the time is so close that I should say the day is coming soon. It is around the corner and approaching like a freight train.



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